Swm England Learn to Swim Framework 1-7

Stage 1 to pass you must - AIDS CAN BE USED TO PASS THIS STAGE 

  1. Enter the water safely
  2. Move forward for a distance of 5 metres feet may be on or of the pool floor. (otters swim school ask for the children to move forward with feet of the floor to pass this section )
  3. Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres ,feet on or of the pool floor(otters will ask for your child to have the feet of the floor to pass thi section)
  4. Move sideways for a distance of 5 metres .feet on or of the pool floor 
  5. Scoop the water and wash the face. 
  6. Be water comfortable with the water showered overhead .
  7. Move from a flat floating position on the back to standing.
  8. Move from a flat floating position on the front to standing.
  9. Push and glide on the front from a wall.
  10. Push and glide on the back from the wall.


Stage 2 to pass this children must be off arm discs.







Venue Addresses :


ADDRESS : MEATH SCHOOL Brox Rd,Ottershaw,Chertsey,KT1 6OLF, UK

Lessons  on Tuesday  -  Friday 3pm  - 6.30 pm 


aDDRESS:: Carwarden House Community School 118 Upper Chobham Road,Camberley , Surrey,GU151eJ

Lessons monday Tuesday , Thursdays from 3.45 pm


 Address: St Georges School WELLS lANE ,Ascot SL57DZ

Lessons on Saturday from 1 pm -5 pm 





















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© Amanda Pack

