About us

Otters Swim Academy


Has a dedicated team of teachers who understand that learning those all Important Life skills are best learned in a fun and friendly environment.


All of Our teachers are ASA or STA level two Qualified and DBS Checked.


We have a small pupil-teacher ratio, so we can give the children all the help and encouragement needed to be a Skillful and Confident Swimmer.



Meath School Pool is a warm 32-degree pool. with Male and Female changing rooms and warm showers.

The viewing benches on the poolside are for parents to view their children Swimming.



Carwarden House Community School


Has a 10m by 6 m pool and is run at 30 degrees 

there are male and female changing facilities and one shower.

The waiting area is at the side of the pool for the parents.


St George's School Ascot   Saturday Afternoon 


The pool is 25 meters in length with a shallow end of 1m and a deep end of 2 m  We have racing blocks and fantastic changing facilities.

Viewing gallery on poolside and plenty of parking 


 All stages up to pre-competition stages 1-10


 Meath School Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, and Friday 


The Children are continually assessed throughout the term.

Awards are offered as soon as all the criteria have been completed.

The parents can check achievements on the parent portal


ADULT classes

Special offer price for  adult classes

Venue; St Georgie's School Ascot 





Holiday Courses 


We run crash courses during the school holidays.


Diving course: for beginners & Intermediate ( need to have passed stage 4)


Rookie lifeguard: courses to include personal survival and basic first aid around the pooL

This course is for stages 5 and above.


Beginners: sessions for all ages



Please call for further details


email: otters.swim@outlook.com


mobile: 07495 268102



We run a direct debit payment plan 















































Venue Addresses :


ADDRESS : MEATH SCHOOL Brox Rd,Ottershaw,Chertsey,KT1 6OLF, UK

Lessons  on Tuesday  -  Friday 3pm  - 6.30 pm 


aDDRESS:: Carwarden House Community School 118 Upper Chobham Road,Camberley , Surrey,GU151eJ

Lessons monday Tuesday , Thursdays from 3.45 pm


 Address: St Georges School WELLS lANE ,Ascot SL57DZ

Lessons on Saturday from 1 pm -5 pm 





















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© Amanda Pack

